Quest Systems




The Quest way has been tested and perfected over 50 years with applications across
a wide range of industries and individuals. We have found this to be a common
approach to success – equally effective in businesses of all sizes as well as in
individuals of all ages and backgrounds.

This site shows how we drive results across seemingly unrelated fields like
management consulting, recruiting, career guidance & health.

It's our sincere belief that all of us can be far more happy than what we are. So our focus is the family- the future career of children, the effectiveness of the bread-earners, building ability to solve problems and in decision making and the health of all family members. Our products therefore cover these critical aspects of any family in the world.


95%+ accuracy in finding best career options based on 55 different parameters

Qu Test® helps channelise unique hidden strengths and personality traits towards successful careers, which are specific to the individual child.

Learn how an academically challenged student received a National Award and how an accountant's son became a master jewellery designer.


850,000 and more applicants tested for recruitment across levels and industry

Employees hired the Quest way stay longer, are more effective and make for smarter workplace.

Learn why companies trust Quest for selecting the most suitable candidate for the position being filled.


From 1.25 crore accumulated loss to Rs.25 lakh profit in 18 months with no infusion of capital

We specialize in turnaround strategies for companies of all sizes from strategy development to implementation.

Expects in professionalizing family-run organizations and effecting smooth CEO changes.

Learn how we do this across manufacturing, hospitality, services and other industries.


1st of its kind algorithm – the science of homeopathy in your palms

Our online Remedy Finder facilitates quick and effective remedies for any health issue.

Learn more about how thousands of people have been rendered disease free and side-effects free.

We do not just give you ideas, we help you implement them effectively.

What is 'The Quest Way' ?

At Quest, we believe that every individual and hence, company is meant to be successful. The reason some of us are not as successful is because we channel our energies in the wrong direction.

The Quest Way helps you build on your unique strengths and focus on key specifics in order to be effective in the shortest possible time.

Our Mission

Our mission at Quest is to help people and businesses and to equip them with effective ways of performing any role - whether at office or home.

Our philosophy can be applied across industries and verticals, across professional and personal life, across religions, nations, culture and languages.

Some of our esteemed customers.

Copyright© 2022 Quest Systems Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved
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